Saturday, September 15, 2007

Whoo-hoo! I get to be the second person to post something!

Anyway, I'm not really sure what to say, so I will just update you all on what I am doing! I am currently volunteering in the Dominican Volunteers program, sponsored by the Dominican sisters and priests (which, in case you didn't know, is Sister Judy's order). I am currently helping out as a school aide (going and helping out in whatever classroom needs it and helping to plan and organize "special events" like Halloween parties, Hispanic heritage days, etc.) at a therapeutic preschool for students with special needs. Most of the students need speech therapy, but several need occupational therapy, counseling, or have other special learning needs. I live in a community in the Bronx with 2 other volunteers and we have a support team of 10 Dominican Sisters who eat and pray with us and support us in whatever ways we can. We get invited to attend or help out with events sponsored by/affiliated with the Sisters!

Its pretty fun times, although I miss a lot of things at SMU!! Its weird to not be doing youth ministry in a parish setting, but I'm trying to hook up with a local youth group to see if they need any help! I sometimes find myself wanting to play dorky youth ministry games or sing praise and worship songs by myself just because I miss it!

Ok, if you want anymore details, you'll have to ask me! Otherwise, that's all for now!


Susan Windley-Daoust, Ph.D. said...

Lisa--"dorky YM games"?

Is that the technical evangelization term?

Sister Judith Schaefer, O.P., Ph.D said...

Yea, Lisa!! I just saw your post. Thanks for the plug for OP Volunteers - a great group with great choice in volunteers! Sr. Judy